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San Francisco, CA
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Build with us: Engineering roles (San Francisco)

What would AI compute look like, if:

- massive data transfer is free and instant

- all the clouds feel like one cloud

- workloads flow to the best compute for the job

- clusters are extremely easy to use and reliable

- cost controls are so clear you never argue with a manager or need to build a plan for approval

Come answer that with us.

We want to work with people who:

- want to be close to AI

- enjoy learning new skills

- want to build a single operating system that spans all compute

Things we like:

- building AI together

- GPU chess hackathon

- supporting bleeding edge research

- compute grants

- making things go fast, especially dev cycles

- visibility.

- tech that doesn’t fall over.

We’re hiring across:

- JS for UI

- PyTorch for User Examples

- technical support for clients

- Elixir for control systems, integration and billing

- DevOps/Platform Engineer for reliability and management

If you hit one or more of these, and want to work in an OG startup house vibe in SF or Sydney, let’s talk. Great food, late nights, all the GPUs.

Metric #1: Increase number of experiments run on Strong Compute

Metric #2: Reduce number of GPUs not managed by Strong Compute

San Francisco, CA
June 18, 2024
Let's build the future of cloud together.
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